Thursday, June 4, 2015

Van Dort

Sri Lankan Burgher Family Genealogy


Sri Lanka was a colony of The Netherlands from 1658 till 1776. They held the maritime area. The Dutch surrendered to the British in 1776. During this era Cornelis Jansz Van Dort who was born in Utrecht arrived in Sri Lanka on the ship "Bellois" in 1700. He lived in Galle in Sri Lanka. His descendants have always spelt their name with a capital V. One of his descendants was Leonhard Kalenberg Van Dort, born in 1831. He was a famous artist. Hiswatercolours of 19th century Sri Lanka can be found in Leiden in the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en VolkenkundeReuvensplaats 2. In 1951 a book was published about his art work: "Ceylon : the near past". Although the Van Dorts have been in Sri Lanka for quite a while, some (but not all) of them were still fair haired and blue eyed. Also, some of them still spoke Dutch. Liz Van Dort origines from this family. She is a singer and performed with Sting on Nuclear Waste.

The family shield of the Van Dort's from Sri Lanka. A tree standing in the sea with a star in the sky. 'Spero Melior' means 'We hope for better'. After a picture of the Dutch Burgher Union in Sri Lanka.

But there were two separate Dutch families of V/van Dorts that founded the Sri Lankan chapter of V/van DortsAnthonius van Dort sailed from 's Gravenhage on board of the "Erfprins" to Cape Good Hope. Then he sailed further to Sri Lanka on board of "De admiraal de Ruiter" in 1767. He was a drummer (tamboer) and later a soldier. Descendants of this family sign with van Dort 6).

And then there was another van Dort in 17th century Sri Lanka, probably unrelated to the previous. His name was Leopold Immanuel Jacob van Dort and he was a converted Jew. He was appointed professor of Hebrew at the Christian Theological Seminary at Colombo in 1758 (he studied at the University of Leipzig in 1744 Hebrew and oriental languages) and although he was converted, he was still interested in his Jewish background. He had contact with the Jewish comunity of Cochin in India and copied some scrolls from the patriarch there, unknown to European Jews. He translated them and gave them in 1757 to Marcellus Bless who worked as a clerk for the VOC in Sri Lanka. He left the seminary in 1760 and nothing is known about his activities since. There must be more info on Leopold or Marcellus in the VOC archives in
The Hague. 15) Galle, the Dutch fortress 8). Right the gate of Galle 9).

The above summary has been extracted from a website managed and maintained by Mascha Van Dort

The Malaysian Van Dorts: sent in by Hans Van Dort currently living in Malaysia

The Malaysian links to the Van Dort family originate from Doctor William Gregory Van Dort, Agustus Van Dort and Aelian Van Dort, both blood brothers and were the sons of Willem Van Dort.

Willem van Dort who was a Legal Counsellor at the Courts at Kandy married the daughter of a deposed King of Kandy. Her common name was Christine Boteju.  She was a very difficult person as she could not rid herself of her links to royal treatment. They had 16 children.  Two of their sons, namely, Agustus Van Dort and Aelian Van Dort emigrated to British Malaya.  They were also joined by three of their sisters namely, Nellie Van Dort, Augusta Van Dort and Eva Van Dort all of whom remainded unmarried till the end.
It is highly probable that they travelled to British Malaya together with Llewelyn Van Dort as they were first cousins by bloodline and they were of the same generation. As said earlier herein, their fathers were brothers.

Very little is known about the lineage of Llewelyn van Dort apart from the fact that he married Ms. De Alwes. It is highly probable that the Miss Van Dort of Pudu English School is a daughter of Llewelyn and De Alwes.

I was able to trace a Jo van Dort who resides in Australia to the lineage of Llewelyn.  She is contactable at  In fact if there were children from Llewelyn and De Alwes it is almost clear that they have emigrated to Australia and Ms. Jo Van Dort is one testiomony to this.

I failed however to be able to trace the roots of Marie-Jeanne Van Dort who resides in Kuala Lumpur as there was scant information of her background.  She informed that she has a brother who lives together with her family. She is contactable at
The descendants of both Agustus Van Dort and Aelian Van Dort are follows.

From Agustus Van Dort and Daisy vander Wall there were Frederick Augustus Van Dort, Lloyd Van Dort, Mavis Van Dort and Joan Christine Van Dort.

Agustus Van Dort died under mysterious circumstances during the Japanese Occupation in Malaya.  His body was never found although it was related that he was seen being taken into the dense hills of his hometown in Taiping by several Japanese soldiers.

Daisy died peacefully of old age.

Mavis died of a ruptured appendix.

Lloyd was a man with a heart of gold and drowned in the major floods in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur while trying to save lives. A great lover of animals , he was an epitome of the R.S.P.C.A. in Malaysia.
Frederick died of old age.

Joan died of pulmonary complications and old age. Single.

Frederick is the only child who married a woman from India and they have three children, Trevelyn Pascal Van Dort, Sandra Van Dort and Dexter Van Dort. I am not clear if Trevelyn and Dexter are married and have children....sons ? He was a qualified Electrical Engineer (England).

From Aelian Van Dort and Edit vander Straaten there Karl Van Dort, Edgar Van Dort, Noel Van Dort, Hans Van Dort and Fay Van Dort.
Aelian Van Dort died peacefully of old age. He was the Chief Architect for the state of Johore under the British rule of Malaya.  Many of his works are still found in Malaysia and in Singapore and are testimony to his professional genius. He was a master Mathematician and assisted charitably to the Catholic Missionaries and the Catholic Churches in Malaysia and in Singapore.

Edith died peacefully of old age whilst in the care of the Missionaries of the Little Sisters in Singapore. She was a one of a kind philantrophist who reputedly reduced her family to poverty by donating all the family's wealth to the poor.  Her children often found themselves without sufficient clothing and food at home all due to her acts of charity and empathy.

Karl died of prolonged illness at an old age. He married a Chinese woman and they had two sons, Bernard Van Dort and Norman Van Dort.  Both sons now live in Australia.

Edgar died of old age. He married an Eurasion woman and they had one son, James who now lives in Austria.
Noel died of prolonged pulmonary infection.  He married a Chinese woman and had two children, Evangeline Van Dort and Hans van Dort.
Hans van Dort married a Chinese woman and they have three sons, Alvin Van Dort, Melvin Van Dort and Kevin Van Dort.

Fay died of illness and old age.  She married a Burmese and they had 13 children.

As it stands now in Malaysia, there are just SIX Van Dorts left to continue the namesake in Malaysia.  They are Trevelyn Van Dort, Dexter Van Dort, Alvin Van Dort, Melvin Van Dort, Kevin Van Dort and the brother of Marie-Jeanne Van Dort.
At this point and not seeming to want to steal the thunder from good 'ol Llewelyn Van Dort, it is very clear that the Malaysian forefather is NOT solely Doctor William Gregory Van Dort born in Oct 24, 1841.

Rather the Malaysian forefathers jointly were Willem Van Dort born on Mar 14, 1833 and Doctor William Gregory Van Dort born on Oct 24, 1841.  Both were brothers.

1 Cornelius Jansz Van Dort b:circa 1670 d:circa 1749 + Elizabeth de Bruyn (b:Utrecht circa 1670, d:before 1704, m:Galle, Ceylon) (arrived in Ceylon on board the "De Bellois", lived in Ceylon from 1700-1749)

…2 Haasje Van Dort b:28-Sep-1704 + Jacob Maas m:23-Aug-1735

…2 Johannes Van Dort b:23-Oct-1705

…2 Hans Jacob Van Dort bp:9-Aug-1721 + Helena Van Help m:29-May-1740
……3 Cornelius Van Dort bp:30-Apr-1741
……3 Helena Van Dort bp:23-Dec-1742
……3 Elizabeth Van Dort bp:20-Nov-1747

…2 Petrus Van Dort b:19-Sep-1715, bp:8-Aug-1724 at Galle d:16-Nov-1814 + Johanna Paulusz m:4-Jun-1747 at Dutch Reformed Church, Wolfendhal, Colombo
……3 Adriaan Van Dort b:17-Feb-1741 (Assistant Boekhouder VOC, Galle) d:2-May-1817 + Isabella Cornelia Beverling bp:25-Apr-1745 m:19-Feb-1763 (1011)
………4 Johanna Catherina Van Dort
………4 Aguitha Cornelia Van Dort

………4 Johannes Cornelius Van Dort bp:10-Sep-1773 + Anna Helena Neydorff bp:14-Dec-1777 (1010)
…………5 Johannes Daniel Van Dort + Jahanna Jakie
……………6 George William Van Dort b:1835 + Wilhelmina Caroline De Zilwa b:19-Aug-1836
………………7 Percy Van Dort b:31-Oct-1880 + (Name Not Known) Isaac
…………………8 (Name Not Known)
…………………8 (Name Not Known)
…………………8 (Name Not Known)
…………………8 (Name Not Known)

……………6 Richard (Dick) Danie Van Dort b:26-Dec-1847 d:4-Nov-1903 + Josephine Laura Joseph b:3-Aug-1845, m:23-Jul-1873 at Wolvendhaal, Ceylon
………………7 Josephine Millicent Van Dort
………………7 Florence Beatrice Van Dort
………………7 Mildred Lucille Van Dort
………………7 Edina Constance Van Dort
………………7 Richard Norman Van Dort

………………7 Aelian Lisle Van Dort b:2-Mar-1881 + Amelia Muriel Daniels b:8-May-1884, m:22-Jun-1911 at St. Annes Roman Catholic Church, Kurunegala, Ceylon (SL) (1027)
…………………8 (?) Van Dort
…………………8 (?) Van Dort
…………………8 Hubert Leslie Van Dort b:22-Jul-1913
…………………8 Emanuel Clarence Noel Van Dort b:24-Dec-1914
…………………8 Mervyn Oliver Richard Van Dort b:21-Nov-1916
…………………8 Ivor Vernon Ellis Van Dort b:31-Jan-1918
…………………8 Muriel Therese Dagmar Van Dort

………………7 Hubert Collin Van Dort
………………7 Victor Bertram Van Dort

…………5 Johannes Petrus Van Dort + Catherina Kreltzheim b:6-Jan-1790 d:17-Nov-1865
……………6 Vincent William Van Dort b:24-Nov-1841 d:18-Mar-1896 + Anne Penelope Daniel
………………7 Arthur Van Dort
…………………8 Melville Van Dort
…………………8 Carl Van Dort

………………7 Benjamin Van Dort + Anne Penelope Daniel

………………7 Daniel Van Dort
…………………8 Denzil Van Dort
…………………8 Donald Van Dort
…………………8 Eric Van Dort

………………7 Aida Susan Van Dort + De Hoedt
…………………8 Patrick De Hoedt
…………………8 Elgin De Hoedt
…………………8 Torrie De Hoedt
…………………8 Dorothy De Hoedt
…………………8 St. John De Hoedt

………………7 Lydia Van Dort + R. Bulner (1028)
…………………8 Annie Bulner

………………7 Alice Van Dort + M. Ludowyk
…………………8 Mervyn Ludowyk

………………7 Joyce Van Dort + M. Ludowyk
…………………8 Vincent Ludowyk
…………………8 Hilarian Ludowyk
…………………8 Joseph Ludowyk
…………………8 Juliet Ludowyk
…………………8 Dorothy Ludowyk
…………………8 Stella Ludowyk
…………………8 Maud Ludowyk
…………………8 Felicia Ludowyk
…………………8 Fanny Ludowyk
…………………8 Brenda Ludowyk

………………7 Francis Laura Van Dort 1867-1904 + Francis Wilfred Milhuisen 1861-1952
…………………8 George Milhuisen
…………………8 Percy Milhuisen
…………………8 Edgar Milhuisen
…………………8 Florence Milhuisen
…………………8 Irene Muriel Milhuisen 1902-1993 + Frederic Renshaw Clarke 1898-1965
……………………9 Arlene Constance Clarke 1929-1987 + Felix Farrance Martinus 1925-
………………………10 Adrian Martinus
………………………10 David Martinus
………………………10 Jennifer Martinus
……………………9 Frederic Renshaw Clarke (II) 1932- + Carol Diane Bartholomeusz
………………………10 Frederic Renshaw Clarke (III) + Danielle Barsanti
………………………10 Christopher Shane Clarke
………………………10 Debra Suzanne Clarke + Steven Murphy
………………………10 Melanie Ann Clarke 1971-
……………………9 Elmer Cedric Clarke 1937 + Janaki Nadian
………………………10 Sherran Clarke
……………………9 Colleen Christine Clarke 1939 + Cetzyl Deutrom
………………………10 Roma Deutrom
………………………10 Wilhelm Deutrom
…………………8 Francis Dulcie Milhuisen 1904

………………7 Basil John Lionel Van Dort 1872-1945 + Juliet Eleanor Ludowyk
…………………8 Edna Irene Van Dort 1900-1990 + John La Bridy
……………………9 Keith La Bridy
…………………8 Myra Van Dort 1902-
…………………8 Noel Basil Van Dort 1903-1979
…………………8 Bertram Alexander Van Dort 1906-1989
……………………9 Maureen Van Dort
……………………9 Shirley Van Dort
…………………8 Roy Julian Van Dort 1907-1970 + Kathleen Vivienna Ferdinands
……………………9 David Ray Peter Van Dort
……………………9 Anthony Michael Van Dort
……………………9 Vivian Anton Van Dort
……………………9 Marie Kathleen Van Dort
…………………8 Glenmville Van Dort b:circa 1909 d:circa 1912
…………………8 Vernon Van Dort b:circa 1909 d:circa 1912
…………………8 Dulcie Van Dort b:circa 1909 d:circa 1912
…………………8 Guy Van Dort 1911-
…………………8 Martin Eutychus Van Dort 1917-
……………………9 Marcian Everard Van Dort
……………………9 Basil Van Dort
……………………9 Benienus Van Dort

.........5 *2nd Spouse of Johannes Petrus Van Dort: + Jacoba Elizabeth Thomasz
……………6 Hippolyte Van Dort

…………5 Johannes Daniel Van Dort
……………6 Richard Danie Van Dort 1847-1903 + Josephine Laura Joseph 1845-
………………7 Aelian Lisle Van Dort 1881- + Amelia Muriel Daniel
…………………8 Aelian Carlyle Van Dort
…………………8 Emile Cyril Van Dort
…………………8 Hubert Leslie Van Dort
…………………8 Emanuel Clarence Noel Van Dort
…………………8 Mervyn Oliver Richard Van Dort
…………………8 Ivor Vernon Ellis Van Dort
…………………8 Muriel Therese Dagmar Van Dort

…………5 Johannes Jacobus Van Dort

………4 Petrus Adrianus Van Dort
………4 Susanna Petronella Van Dort
………4 Willem Adriaan Van Dort

………4 Justinus Arnoldus Van Dort bp:17-Mar-1793 d:19-Oct-1848 + Johanna Elizabeth Henrietta Thuring bp:10-Nov-1799 d:27-Sep-1862 m:21-Nov-1816 at St. Peter's Garrison Church, Colombo
…………5 Charles Edward Van Dort
…………5 Henry Van Dort
…………5 Petrus Gerardus Van Dort
…………5 John William Van Dort b:28-Nov-1825 d:3-Dec-1877 + Seraphina Sophia Foenander m:19-Jul-1849 at the Dutch Reformed Church, Wolfendhal
……………6 Emma Adelina Van Dort

……………6 Richard Alexander Van Dort b:14-Nov-1876 d:9-Nov-1935 + Nesta Gladys Poulier b:13-Jan-1897 m:6-May-1919 at Dutch Reformed Church, Bambalapitiya
………………7 Richard Alston Van Dort
………………7 Gladys Amelia Van Dort
………………7 Sylvia Gertrude Van Dort
………………7 Richard Alexander Van Dort b:11-Dec-1851 + Selina Felicia Van Dort m:11-Sep-1873 at Wolfendhal
……………..7 *2nd Spouse of Richard Alexander Van Dort: + Ella Henrietta Winn m:9-Feb-1880 at Holy Trinity Church, Colombo
…………………8 Richard William Van Dort
…………………8 Emma Adeline Van Dort + Charles Albert Gunasekera
…………………8 Richard Alexander Van Dort
…………………8 Claude Herman Van Dort
…………………8 Opal Violet Marion Van Dort
…………………8 Iola Constance Irene Van Dort
…………………8 Richard Ulric Van Dort
…………………8 Florence Isabel Van Dort
…………………8 Idina Sybil Elsmere Van Dort
…………………8 Guy Leslie Van Dort
…………………8 Edgar R Van Dort
…………………8 Vincent Maurice Van Dort

………………7 Winifred May Van Dort
………………7 Edgar Vincent Joseph Van Dort

……………6 Vincent Harris Van Dort

…………5 Rudolphina Georgiana Van Dort b:27-Jan-1828 + George Andriesz (1019)

…………5 James Edwin Van Dort b:15-May-1831 d:29-Jan-1904 + Charlotta Catherina Ebert b:6-Apr-1826 d:30-Aug-1859 m:12-May-1856 at Wolfendhal
……………6 James Edwin Van Dort
……………6 Henry Edward Van Dort

.........5 *2nd Spouse of James Edwin Van Dort: + Susanna Gertruida Ebert b:10-Feb-1825 d:6-Jul-1906 m:7-Sep-1860 at Wolfendhal
……………6 Charlotte Grace Van Dort
……………6 Jane Emelia Van Dort
……………6 Cecil Owen van Dort

………4 Isabella Cornelia Van Dort
………4 Maria Elizabeth Van Dort

………4 Petrus Henricus Van Dort bp:22-Apr-1798 + Hermina Gerardina Meier m:22-Jan-1821 at St. Peter's Garrison Church, Colombo
………4 2nd Spouse of Petrus Henricus Van Dort: + Adriana Emarensia Martensz m: 29-Jan-1833 at Dutch Reformed Church, Wolfendhal
…………5 George Andreas Van Dort b:7-Sep-1858, d:3-Oct-1909 + Anne Elizabeth de Cuyper m:12-May-1858
……………6 Anna Emarentia Van Dort b:22-Mar-1860
……………6 George Ernest (Boy) Van Dort b:16-Jul-1861 + Mary Julia Pereira m:9-Nov-1900 at Pettah
……………6 Adeline Van Dort b:14-Nov-1863 + Henry Alvia Zeisness, m:15-Jun-1892
……………6 Fredrick Alexander Norman Van Dort b:21-Jan-1866
……………6 Rose Van Dort
……………6 Jim Van Dort
……………6 Arabella Van Dort b:13-Sep1867

…………5 *2nd Spouse of George Andreas Van Dort: + Julia Maria Louisa de Jong m:5-2-1877 at Wolvendhaal
……………6 Gladwin Hugh Van Dort b:18-Apr-1878
……………6 James Justin Vivian Van Dort b:30-Sep-1879, d:20-Jun-1926 (Rangoon) + Beatrice Fernando, m:1-Oct-1900 at Colombo
……………6 Florence Mabel Van Dort b:24-Mar-1881 + Fredrick Anthony Prock, m:9-Nov-1901
……………6 Clarence Lionel Van Dort
……………6 Christie Walter Van Dort b:2-Nov-1883
………………7 Denzil Sperling Van Dort
………………7 Carl Wilton Van Dort
………………7 George Henry Van Dort
………………7 Leah Noble Van Dort
………………7 Stella Belle Van Dort
………………7 Kingsley Noel Van Dort
………………7 Hyacinth Dagmar Van Dort
………………7 Ellis Beville Van Dort
………………7 Phyllis Elaine Van Dort
………………7 Gladstone Peninsula Van Dort

……………6 Albert Victor Van Dort
……………6 Louis Richard de Jong Van Dort
……………6 Elsie Beatrice Van Dort
……………6 Clarice Millicent Van Dort

…………5 Albert William Van Dort
…………5 Julia Adelaide Van Dort + [1] Henry Arnold Ebert b:8-Oct-1835 m:7-Oct-1857 at Wolfendhal (1009)
…………5 Jenetta Wilhelmina Van Dort b:11-Sep-1839 + James Hope Brohier b:3-Jun-1850 (1007) d:4-Jun-1888 m:15-May-1874 at Wolfendhal
…………5 Johanna Maria Van Dort b:15-Aug-1841 + [1] Henry Arnold Ebert b:8-Oct-1835 (1009)
……………6 Arthur Wilfred Ebert

…………5 Andrew Van Dort B:24-Feb-1843 + Jane Caroline de Run m:5-Apr-1866 at Wolfendhal
……………6 Adelaide Maud Van Dort
……………6 Alice Van Dort
……………6 Edith Grace Van Dort
……………6 John Sommerville Van Dort
……………6 Edward Andrew Van Dort b:2-Nov-1875 + Alice Hannah Stork m:23-Jul-1898
……………6 Alick Lloyd Percival Van Dort

…………5 Alice Grace Van Dort + Charles Alexander Carnie Ebert b:8-Jun-1842 m:29-12-1870 at Wolfendhaal
……………6 Denzil Van Dort
……………6 Donald Van Dort
……………6 Eric Van Dort

…………5 Selina Felicia Van Dort
…………5 Isabella Caroline Van Dort

……3  *2nd Spouse of Adriaan Van Dort: + Justina Cornelia Visser bp:10-Nov-1771 m:6-Sep-1789

……3 Petronella Van Dort

……3 Gerhardt Elias Van Dort

……3 Leonard Van Dort bp:23-Feb-1749 d:16-Jan-1835 + Anna Geertruida Beekman m17-Dec-1775 at Dutch Reformed Church, Wolfendhal

……3 *2nd Spouse of Leonard Van Dort: + Francina Perera m:27-Oct-1793 at Wolfendhal
………4 Evenia Van Dort

………4 Anna Maria Van Dort

………4 (Elizabeth) Cornelia Van Dort b:1793 + (William) Carel Catheyzer m:6-Jun-1814

………4 Clarinda (Clara) Van Dort

………4 Susanna Van Dort

………4 Johannes Van Dort b:12-Apr-1801 d:23-Oct-1876 + Petronella Margaretta Kalenberg m:14-May-1830 at Wolfendhal
…………5 John Leonhard Kalenberg Van Dort
…………5 Willem Van Dort b:14-Mar-1833, Proctor Gampola 1863 + Christine Boteju (had 16 children)
....…………6 Gusti Van Dort (migrated to Malaysia) + Dasiy Vander Wall d:1980
.......………….7 Frederick Van Dort d:late 1980's+ Mavis (India)
..........…………..8 Trevelyn Van Dort
..........…………..8 Dexter Van Dort
..........…………..8 Sandra Van Dort
.......………….7 LLoyd Van Dort (died, bravely, in the floods at Kuala Lumpur in the early sixties while trying to save other victims)
.......………….7 Mavis Van Dort (died of appendicitis)
.......………….7 Joan Van Dort d:30-Jul-1999(spinster)
....…………6 Augusta Van Dort (migrated to Malaysia, spinster)
....…………6 [4] Aelian Van Dort b:13-Aug-1880 (in Badulla, Sri Lanka) d:16-Dec-1968 + [5] Edith van der Straaten d:1958 (under the care of the Missionaries of the Little Sister of the Poor in Singapore) Aelian was a self tutoredArchitect and a master mathematician and was the State of Johor Chief Architect during British Malaya. Several of his colonial architectural works continue to stand today both in Malaysia and in Singapore as a testimony to his professional genius. His wife was a well known philanthropist and is reputed to have impoverished her own family through her unstinting acts of charity. They had five natural children and 3 adopted daughters.
.......………….7 Karl Van Dort, Chief Office Clerk with the British Army stationed in Johor Bahru, Malaysia + Mary Lim (Hospital Nurse now resident in Perth, Australia)
..........…………..8 Bernard Van Dort (Australia)
..........…………..8 Dr. Norman Van Dort (Australia)
.......………….7 Edgar Van Dort + Joyce
..........…………..8 James Van Dort (Austria)
.......………….7 Noel Van Dort, Technician,  b:19-Nov-1919 d:30-Jan-1973 + Cecilia Van Dort (Nurse)*** (later known as Nooraini bint Abdullah after conversion to Islam and marriage to Mokhtar bin Sharif)
..........…………..8 Hans Van Dort b:15-Apr-1951 at 5:00 am (at Johore Baharu, north of Singapore) + (Alice) Kok Kum Chee b:2-Apr-1957 (in Taiping, Malaysia) m:30-Dec-1979 in Penang. Hans is a Computer expert and Management & Business Entreprenuer and Alice is a Computer Software Teacher.
.............……………9 Alvin Conrad Van Dort b:22-Mar-1982 (in Seremban, Malaysia) undergraduate in Computer Science & Technology
.............……………9 Melvin Van Dort b:1-May-1983 (in Penang, Malaysia) undergraduate in Bio-Technology
.............……………9 Kevin Van Dort b:15-Jul-1989 (in Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia) aspiring to be a medical doctor
..........…………..8 Evangeline Van Dort, b:26-Oct-1946 + Percy Lim Ho Kee (Singapore) in England. Evangeline is a qualified Nurse from Bournemouth, England and Lim is a qualified Economist from the illustrious London School of Economics, England and a renowned Banker in the Singaporean, Asian, and Swiss Banking industry
.............……………9 Lim Yi Ying (Harvard USA) graduate in Mathematics + Name Not Known
.............……………9 Lim Lian Ee (Cambridge, England), graduate in Economics
.......………….7 Hans Van Dort (Technician, died heroically of fatal wounds to his ribs and lungs from an accident at work as a young man, unmarried)
.......………….7 Fay Van Dort + Francis Murray, Headmaster (thirteen children)
.......………….7 Trixy Van Dort (adopted daughter) + Peter Lim, Lecturer and natural brother of Mary Lim, wife of Karl Van Dort (6 children)
.......………….7 Ruby Van Dort (adopted daughter) + Malay Singaporean Muslim (1 daughter) divorced and re-married to a Chinese by whom she has one son now living in Singapore
.......………….7 Mitsy Van Dort aka Cecilia Van Dort*** (adopted daughter), deceased. Extenuating circumstances during the atrocious Japanese occupation of British Malaya made her maiden life secure through marriage with Noel Van Dort (see above)
…………….6  [6] Evangelin (Eva ) Van Dort + [7] Edwin Arthur van der Straaten
……………….7  [5] Antonette Edith van der Straaten + [4] Aelian Van Dort
…………………….8  Name Not Known

…………5 Charles Van Dort
…………5 Georgina Margaretta Van Dort
…………5 Matilda Nanny Van Dort

…………5 [2] Sarah Nancy Van Dort + [3] John Godfred Lewis (Edwin ) van der Straaten
……………6 [6] Edwin Arthur van der Straaten, born in Ceylon born 27-Octember 1867 (married his 1st Cousin) + [6] Evagelin (Eva ) Van Dort (d/o Willem Van Dort (Proctor Gampola 1863) & Dorothea Christina Botejü. M:2-Jul-1892. Edwin van der Straaten was a Locomotive Driver for the Malayan railways in 1900. Could be he was even earlier in Malaya. Due to a picture of the Malayan Railways in 1893, where many of his family were Active in theRaiways, Active work started in Malayan Railway some 5o Good Years before this Date ,Bringing Many Burghers to Malaya.To be Active civil servants of the British Empire.
…………………7  [5] Antonette Edith van der Straaten + [4] Aelian Van Dort
…………………….8  Name Not Known

…………5 William Gregory Van Dort, Dr. b:24-Oct-1841 d:28-Oct-1921 + Countess Caroline Lackenstein in Calcutta, India
…………5  *2nd Spouse of William Gregory Van Dort, Dr.: + Sophia Marion McCarthy m:1870 at Kandy
……………6 Llewellyn Gregory van Dort + Ms. De Alwis (Pudu English Secondary School, Malaysia)
……………6 Millicent Sophia Van Dort
……………6 Karl Leonard Van Dort
……………6 Evan Maurice Van Dort
……………6 Claribel Frances Van Dort (Claire) + Dr Richard Lionel Spittel (1003)
..............7  Christine Spittel
..............7  Yvonne Spittel
……………6 Alice (Aline) Marion Van Dort
……………6 Herbert Alwin Van Dort
……………6 Claude Vivian Van Dort b:12-May-1890 d:4-Jan-1938 + Eveleen Muriel Jansz b:10-Jan-1895 m:26-May-1922 at Singapore (1008)
…………5 Amelia Van Dort
…………5 Edward Van Dort

………4 Agida Van Dort + Pieter Engelbert van der Straaten
…………5 [3] John Godfred Lewis (Edwin ) van der Straaten + [2] Sarah Nancy Van Dort
……………6 [7] Edwin Arthur van der Straaten (married his 1st Cousin) + [6] Evangelin (Eva ) Van Dort (d/o Willem Van Dort (Proctor Gampola 1863) & Dorothea Christina Botejü.
……………….7  [5] Antonette Edith van der Straaten + [4] Aelian Van Dort
…………………….8  Name Not Known

……3 Hendrick Benedictus Van Dort d:16-Nov-1819 + Maria Barbara Kelaart b:18-Sep-1791 m:18-Sep-1791 at Wolfendhal (17)
------3 *2nd Spouse of Hendrick Benedictus Van Dort: + Henrietta Jacoba Evers m:24-Apr-1815 at Wolfendhal
………4 Adrian Van Dort

……3 William Gysbert Van Dort
……3 Jacobus Martinus Van Dort
……3 Elizabeth Cornelia Van Dort
……3 Agida Van Dort
……3 Johanna Adriana Van Dort bp:3-May-1762 + Reverend Gerardus Philipsz (1002) m:29-Jul-1792 at Dutch Reformed ChurchWolfendhal, Colombo, s/o Rev Henricus Philipsz & Susanna Scharff
        4  Leonhard Van Dort
               5  Johannes Van Dort
                  6  J. L. K. Van Dort

…2 Elizabeth Van Dort b:9-Aug-1721

***Cecilia, converted to Islam and was known as Noorani bint Abdullah married Mokhtar bin Sharif (school teacher, Malaysia) Children:
... Rahemah Sharif (decd)... Ramnah Sharif... Rohiah Sharif... Rosita Sharif... Razif Sharif

Descendants of Richard Daniel Van Dort (see above) in DBU Format

Generation No. 1

1. Richard Daniel6 Van Dort (Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 26 December 1848, and died 4 November 1903. He married Josephine Laura Joseph, daughter of GerardusJoseph and Johanna Maartensz. She was born 3 August 1846.

Children of Richard Van Dort and Josephine Joseph are:
2 i. Josephine Millicent7 Van Dort, born 26 December 1874; died 11 September 1877.
+ 3 ii. Florence Beatrice Van Dort, born 21 March 1876 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka; died 14 April 1930 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
4 iii. Mildred Lucille Van Dort, born 2 December 1877; died 12 September 1878.
+ 5 iv. Edina Constance Van Dort, born 12 December 1878.
6 v. Richard Norman Joseph Van Dort, born 4 November 1879; died 15 October 1900.
+ 7 viAelian Lisle Van Dort, born 2 March 1881; died 3 May 1944.
+ 8 vii. Doctor Hubert Collin Van Dort, born 17 September 1885 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
+ 9 viii. Doctor Victor Bertram Van Dort, born 17 September 1885 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka; died 18 April 1941 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

Generation No. 2

3. Florence Beatrice7 Van Dort (Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 21 March 1876 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died 14 April 1930 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. She married Cyril James Hunter de Vos 28 December 1893 in Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, son of John de Vos and Harriet Hunter. He was born 2 June 1862 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died 2 September 1931 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

More About Cyril James Hunter de Vos:
Occupation: Provincial Surgeon Civil Medical Department

Children of Florence Van Dort and Cyril de Vos are:
10 i. Florence Mignonne8 de Vos. She married Hugh Frederick Vanden Driesen Ferdinands; born 5 September 1904.
11 ii. Marjorie de Vos, born 14 September 1903; died 4 December 1903.
12 iii. Cyril George Vernon de Vos, born 30 October 1904; died 10 December 1904.
13 iv. Phyllis Norah de Vos.

5. Edina Constance7 Van Dort (Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 12 December 1878. She married Francis Scheffer Jansz 20 July 1898 in Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, son of William Jansz and Margaret Jansz. He was born 26 July 1874 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died 12 February 1912.

Child of Edina Van Dort and Francis Jansz is:
+ 14 i. Enid Mildred8 Jansz, born 3 February 1903 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

7. Aelian Lisle7 Van Dort (Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 2 March 1881, and died 3 May 1944. He married Amelia Muriel Daniels 22 June 1911 in Christ Church, Kurunegalle (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of William Daniels and Emily Misso. She was born 8 May 1884.

Children of Aelian Van Dort and Amelia Daniels are:
15 i. Aelian Carlyle Douglas8 Van Dort, born 28 March 1912. He married Noeline Helena Rodrigo.
16 ii. Emile Cyril St George Van Dort, born 28 March 1912; died 23 July 1912.
17 iii. Hubert Leslie Van Dort, born 22 July 1913.
18 iv. Emanuel Clarence Noel Van Dort, born 24 December 1914.
19 v. Mervyn Oliver Richard Van Dort, born 21 November 1916.
20 vi. Ivor Vernon Ellis Van Dort, born 31 January 1918.
21 vii. Muriel Therese Dagmar Van Dort.

8. Doctor Hubert Collin7 Van Dort (Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 17 September 1885 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. He married (1) Muriel Joseph 26 May 1912 in Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of Oscar Joseph and Lucy Loos. She was born 21 March 1882. He married (2) Violet Estelle Mary Wright 2 July 1943 in St Mary's Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of Archibald Wright and Cecilia de la Harpe. She was born 20 December 1894 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

More About Doctor Hubert Collin Van Dort:
Degree 1: Certificate of the London School of Tropical Diseases
Degree 2: LRCS(Edin) MRCS(Eng) LRCP(Lond)
Occupation: Divisional Medical Superintendent, Civil Medical Department, Ceylon

Children of Hubert Van Dort and Muriel Joseph are:
22 i. Hubert Richard8 Van Dort, born 9 October 1913.

More About Hubert Richard Van Dort:
Degree: BSc (Hon Maths) London, BA (Hons)

23 ii. Audrey Lucy Van Dort, born 9 September 1914.
24 iii. Evelyn Muriel Van Dort, born 26 May 1917.

9. Doctor Victor Bertram7 Van Dort (Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 17 September 1885 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died 18 April 1941 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. He married (1) Mabel Louise de Kretser 29 December 1915 in Dutch Reformed Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of Oswald de Kretser and Edith Bartholomeusz. She was born 5 May 1888 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died 10 January 1928 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. He married (2) Edith Lucille de Kretser 28 July 1930 in Dutch Reformed Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of Oswald de Kretser and Edith Bartholomeusz. She was born 11 October 1889 in Negombo (Sri Lanka) Ceylon.

More About Doctor Victor Bertram Van Dort:
Degree: LRCP&S(Edin) LRFP&S(Glas)
Occupation: Doctor in the Ceylon Medical Department

Children of Victor Van Dort and Mabel de Kretser are:
25 i. Bertram Eardley8 Van Dort, born 1 November 1917.
+ 26 ii. Gladys May Van Dort, born 16 January 1921 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
27 iii. Mabel Christine Van Dort, born 3 January 1928. She married Frederick Charles Speldewinde.

Generation No. 3

14. Enid Mildred8 Jansz (Edina Constance7 Van Dort, Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 3 February 1903 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. She married Allan BertramDemmer 4 July 1923 in St Paul's Church, Kandy (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. He was born 26 August 1898.

More About Allan Bertram Demmer:
Occupation: Bet. 1913 - 1955, Divisional Transportation Superintendent for the Ceylon Railway

Child of Enid Jansz and Allan Demmer is:
+ 28 i. Allanson Rex9 Demmer, born 15 May 1924 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka; died 14 June 1975 in Keysborough, Victoria, Australia.

26. Gladys May8 Van Dort (Victor Bertram7, Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 16 January 1921 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. She married Christopher James Edward Anthonisz 4 May 1946 in Dutch Reformed Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, son of Hugh Anthonisz and Frances de Vos. He was born 19 March 1922.

More About Christopher James Edward Anthonisz:
Education: Richmond College, Galle (Ceylon) Sri Lanka
Occupation: Bet. 1977 - 1981, General Manager of the Bank of Ceylon

Children of Gladys Van Dort and Christopher Anthonisz are:
29 i. Theonie Ariene9 Anthonisz, born 20 February 1947 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. She married Nihal Anil Dharamaratne 22 June 1974 in All Saint's Church, Borella, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka; born 21 June 1947 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
+ 30 ii. Christopher Michael Anthonisz, born 21 September 1952 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

Generation No. 4

28. Allanson Rex9 Demmer (Enid Mildred8 Jansz, Edina Constance7 Van Dort, Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 15 May 1924 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, and died 14 June 1975 in Keysborough, Victoria, Australia. He married Christine Aimee Van Twest 18 February 1950 in St Paul's Church, Kandy (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of John Van Twest and Emma Wambeek. She was born 12 July 1926 in Kalutara (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

More About Allanson Rex Demmer:
Occupation: Planter

Child of Allanson Demmer and Christine Van Twest is:
31 i. Veronica Christine10 Demmer, born 7 January 1951 in Kandy (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

30. Christopher Michael9 Anthonisz (Gladys May8 Van Dort, Victor Bertram7, Richard Daniel6, Johannes Daniel5, Johannes Cornelis4, Adriaan3, Petrus2Cornelis Jansz1) was born 21 September 1952 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka. He married Devika Srimani Thenabadu 19 March 1983 in St Andrew's Scots Kirk, Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka, daughter of Richard Thenabadu and Padma Jayawickrema. She was born 3 March 1954 in (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

More About Christopher Michael Anthonisz:
Occupation 1: Chartered Accountant
Occupation 2: Company Director

More About Devika Srimani Thenabadu:
Occupation: Chartered Accountant

Children of Christopher Anthonisz and Devika Thenabadu are:
32 i. Tiara Raine10 Anthonisz, born 3 October 1985 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
33 ii. Viren Christopher Jaan Anthonisz, born 24 July 1989 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.
34 iii. Tasmin Arielle Anthonisz, born 11 December 1992 in Colombo (Ceylon) Sri Lanka.


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